We all have times when there is a gap between where we are and where we want to be. In the brisk, distracted pace of our days, it is important to stabilize focus on our important initiatives and projects. Today, I share 5 Tips for Pursuing Your Big Goals.
Sometimes, the projects we want to accomplish don’t get off the ground because we don’t know where to start. Sometimes getting clarity is the hardest part. With all of the options available, what are we reaching for? What results do we want, now and in the future?
When we can begin with the end in mind, the quality of the goal improves, and this step often leads us to our next one.
5 Tips for Pursuing Your Big Goals
Pursuit of goals can be arduous, and they almost always take longer than expected, especially if achievement depends on personal change. So, how to stay the course?
- Determine: Are you ready to set the goal? If you are doing the work, but clarity is elusive, sometimes more data is needed. Caveat: Know the difference between the various types of procrastination. Are you making excuses, or do you truly need more information?
- Define: Break down the goal into small, manageable pieces and plot milestones.
- Deadline: Set a deadline that stretches you but is not impossible. We all tend to work better under some pressure. Tell people so that you are accountable.
- Ignore: “The Internal Committee” and their loud voices of doubt. The voice of doubt is very convincing, but in most cases it IS NOT TO BE HEEDED.
- Example #1: If you are on the edge of a cliff, preparing to hang glide, you probably should listen to the voice of doubt and make sure you are prepared. (Then have a blast!)
- Example #2: If you are getting ready to build or create something, and that voice of doubt says “who are you to do this? Ignore it.
- Celebrate! Revel in your achievements when they occur. Celebration can be as simple and quiet or complex and loud as you want – the point is to acknowledge the moments of success along the way. Finding joy in the little things as they occur helps to slow us down, and alleviates this feeling of life moving too fast, while acknowledging our achievements.
“Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun”
Albert Einstein Via Mom (Thanks, Mom!)
At The Workbench: Fun is also important!
A tune for dancing it out:
“Blame it on the Boogie” by Michael Jackson.
Some tools for the work:
Journal + Your Brain. Don’t be scared, and no more excuses! Just write down your thoughts – in any way that works for you. Messy, incomplete, spelled wrong – doesn’t matter. There is no wrong way.
Moving it Forward:
In that journal you just took out: What one thought or idea gets you excited? Is there something that has been on your list for a while? Decide this week to either make a move on it, or let it go.
A Podcast recommendation:
Lewis Howes School of Greatness Episode 341 with Liz Gilbert. They talk about curiosity, success, passion, regeneration, the many disguises of fear…so much good stuff!
Sending love and light!
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At The Workbench, we are dedicated to all things coaching and personal growth.
It is here we take the time and make the space to pursue our significant dreams
and goals, one action at a time.
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