Wednesday Workbench #17: On Conflict | Clarity | Confidence

Argument, debate, conflicting opinions, conflict-avoidant, fight, battle, war, skirmish, clash, struggle. agree to disagree. How does your body feel when you read these words?  And equally important, what story or script do you run when you feel conflict brewing?  Do you tense up, amp up, circle the wagons, steamroll, jump in, prepare, discuss, debate, run […]

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Wednesday Workbench #7: Cultivating Interpersonal Savvy

Hi all! In this week’s issue I talk about some “missed connections” in communication and some remedies for when this happens out in the world, as it sometimes does. I also share one of my favorite inspirational videos that showcases both gratitude and beauty. It’s a mini-vacation in just six minutes! For the full shebang, […]

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She’s Doing the Best She Can. Why Isn’t it Enough?

How incredibly hard it is to remain true to yourself.  A dear friend of mine is going through some heavy stuff, and she’s doing the best she can.  However, as we all know, this is never enough, and some people close to her have decided to let her know, very clearly, that they are angry […]

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