EP 013 Jumping Back Into The Workbench

Welcome back!

Hi All, and  Welcome  Back to the Workbench. 

I am so happy to be here with you today! It’s been quite a year, and I’m looking forward to being back in the saddle with the podcast! 

There has been a lot going on behind the scenes over the past several months.   In today’s episode, I’ll share a little bit about some of my own time at the Workbench as well as an overview of what’s coming up as I relaunch!

But first – What is The Workbench?

The Workbench is a blog, podcast and community where our hard-earned wisdom is shared.  It’s a place to experiment, to test out ideas, to grow in ways that may not otherwise be possible.  It’s a place to learn and have fun and to find fulfillment – and to decide and commit to your next project or goal. 

As some of you know, this podcast was a dream of mine that took a few years to bring to fruition.  And it was a ton of work.  After the first 12 episodes, I was both stoked and overwhelmed.  With my already full schedule, I wasn’t sure if it was sustainable for me to continue, so I decided to take some time to regroup.  Then Covid hit, and so many things changed.  It took a good six months to unwind and decide a good path forward.   And I love the writing and producing the podcast, so I got back to work and started planning a way to keep going, but in a way that would allow me more balance. 

The time I spent at my workbench was focused on a few of the behind the scenes issues, but can be put in two main buckets:  management of time and management of expectations.   I am impatient, and I wanted to be more experienced, to have more time to create, to be able to get the word out faster and better.   I had to make peace with where I was in the process and keep a focused push forward. 

This is often how it is when we start new things.  And management of time and expectations – we all struggle with that.   There is always more learning, more tinkering, and more inner growth needed than we prepare for, and that is part of the workbench work too  – as much as the idea or dream or goal itself.  The unseen things are essential to navigate – this clarity is part of moving the work forward. 

As we jump into this next season, it is my intention to bring great content to you in a fun and sustainable way and I have a lot of great content in the works.   In addition to the interviews and conversations, I’ll be sharing some of my tried and true Workbench Tools.   And I have been influenced by so many great thinkers and writers, that I will be sharing the books and articles that have deeply impacted me.  And sometimes you just need to dance it out, so keep an eye out for “Songs from the Playlist in the show notes of each episode. 

Thanks for joining me today.  Tune in tomorrow for one of my tried and true Workbench Tools, and on Saturday for a great conversation I had with my friend David Morgan.

Thank you so much for listening!  Sending out love and light as you build and create!

Today’s Song From The Playlist:   Late in the Evening, by Paul Simon 

If this doesn’t get you dancing, I don’t know what will.  (Shout out to Patty, Carrie, Lynnie, LB, & Kim – this song always reminds me of you! XXOO)

Photo by Belle Collective on Unsplash

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