Field Guide to Modern Day Transition: Inspiration #327

Why Writing Matters


For those who are familiar with the literary magazine The Sun (, I rediscovered this gem from the founder, Sy Syfransky’s Notebook: (Issue number to follow when I locate it in one of my many piles.)

He writes:

“Why it matters to me why I write every morning:  1. Because writing is hard, but not as hard as not writing.  2.  Because a good sentence can rise from the ashes of a bad sentence, and someone needs to write those bad sentences, and who can write bad sentences better than me?  3.  Because when I sit down to write, a door inside me opens.  I may just stare at it, unable or unwilling to take a step toward it; still, a door opens.  4.  Because sometimes I walk through the door.”

I first read this on July 16, 2014, and it opened a door for me.  It gave me permission to play, to “write bad sentences.”  This led directly to loudly singing in the car.  And buying a guitar.  A slippery slope, this “walking through the door,” it opens us up! It was another part of the evolution in my life, one that moved away from the ideals of perfection that I had been holding myself to, unsuccessfully.  Because no one can meet the yardstick of perfection – it is always just beyond us.  It is a false ideal, and trying to achieve perfection is a great strategy if you want to remain unfulfilled and unsatisfied with your lot.

At the height of my mid-40’s transition, when Tim and I were deeply struggling in our communication, writing gave me a place to be me, without judgement or explanation.  It was space to explore my evolving ideas without donning the armor often needed when sharing fledgling ideas with others.  Writing can slay that sly dragon of anxiety.  It remains a great way to document our lives, to be elated, or angry or suffering through grief, or for working through a problem in the workplace.

To Sy Syfransky:  Thank you.  Your words still inspire me and have changed my life.

An Open Invitation:

If you have a story to share, want to contribute a post, or have a conversation about what you are doing to effect positive change in your life in large ways or small, please email me at   And if you liked this post, please subscribe, comment or share.  Thank you!


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The Sun Magazine


The Field Guide Series on will encompass the stories, lessons learned and sources of inspiration woven through the big transitions in my life.

Posted in Transition.


  1. Kris…I really liked this entry! It reminds me again of all the great inspiration received from The Sun.
    It also can apply to anyone who pursues their passion in any field. We learn so much from our missteps and so-called failures.

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