It was about 10:00 AM, and I can attest that truly, sometimes, magic walks down your street. Earlier this week, I was watering the plants. Tim was in the workshop building a new table, and Alex, being the late teen that he is, was still in bed. I looked up from my hibiscus and saw…a donkey, then another… turns out, seven or eight donkeys had escaped from the ranch next to our neighborhood. A guy from the ranch trying to wrangle them mentioned that they were “having a bit of a fence problem.” Clearly.
Dignified Souls
These sweet creatures brought joy and wonder to the neighborhood. Who knew there was a pack of donkeys living so close? Our FB page blew up. I woke up our kid, and we all watched them parade by, one right through our yard. In a very dignified manner, they then took the service road down to the creek behind our house, where they all stood around, until one brave soul jumped the eucalyptus branch that fell a few weeks ago. Then – the others followed suit, looking as if they were going to be on the run, but no – decided that the grass there was just fine, thank you very much, and just stood around in the wooded area until their handler caught up with them and led them home. My son had the chance to help, and for all of us, this magical, unexpected, delightful event buoyed our day. This life! It can be so much work and struggle, but: Magic and joy sometimes just show up out of nowhere.
Sending love, light, and magic-

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