EP 01 – The Workbench: All About the Build

In this episode, my dear co-conspirator Lyn and I discuss the genesis of our big life choices and projects. We hope you enjoy this episode of The Workbench Podcast as much as we enjoyed making it!

Show Notes:

Minutes 1 to 6:  Our podcast starts with an introduction and then drops into the concept of The Workbench at 3:42.  We discuss Kris’s influences including Michael Hyatt, Suze Orman, and her perfect word:  Build.  Lyn discusses the importance of words, and how they guide our thinking and actions.

Minutes 6 to 11:  We discuss how both external and internal “noise” can be a distraction to the creating of something new, and how to put the noise aside.  We mention one of our favorite Podcasts:  Tim Ferriss Episode 361 (Jim Collins – A Rare Interview with a Reclusive Polymath) and what is behind people loving podcasts.  Lyn shares her latest mantra which is centered around curiosity and keeping a question mark in her head at all times. 

Minutes 11 to 16:  Our conversation here turns to Kris’s favorite movies and the overarching themes they contain relating to her early education in Anthropology, her interest in people, relationships, and the messiness of life.

Minutes 16 to 21:  This is where we really delve into Kris’s background and early life.  Key themes center around following passions/interests, learning by doing, living in the unknown, bravery, listening to the inner voice (trust and faith), and having more to give.   

Minutes 21 to 36:  We continue to discuss Kris’s experiences, education and training.  Topics such as change, discomfort, judgement, and having faith in the process are explored.  Lyn shares an experience at the taping of Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me and how that solidified her thinking on the importance of the process. 

Minutes 36 to 41: Focus of our conversation here is process and build.  Lyn shares her experience with her recent home remodeling project and Kris discusses the genesis of The Workbench podcast. The importance of having one’s mise en place (preparation) in any build environment is emphasized. Lyn reviews her early influences and how they shaped who she is and how she approaches builds.

Minutes 41 to 50:  Our conversation turns to the importance of reflection and how that can drive the next steps.  Lyn shares her work history and the value she likes to provide as a Fractional Controller including mentoring and teaching – a surprising and unplanned benefit.  Lyn discusses her love for data and the stories it tells.  Kris expresses the difficulty with measuring data on the HR/people side.

Minutes 50 to 59:  Discussion continues around the concept of data, where it comes from and how to use it in decision making.  Kris shares her passion for writing and how that came about.  This sparks reflection on how growth comes from the paths we choose.  Kris is currently reading Ivan Doig and Stephen King on writing.  Lyn shares her passion for reading and is currently reading Measure What Matters by John Doerr.

Key Takeaways

  1. The creation process is messy, and often so much harder than we anticipate.  Our expectations at the outset are usually not realistic – projects usually take longer, are harder, and require more resources than originally planned.  Knowing this in advance can help get us through the messy middle.
  2. Reflection is an often overlooked but extremely important part of any growth or project. 
  3. The idea of mise en place – preparation – is key to setting up for project or building success.  This prep time is not a waste – even if it feels like it is.   It’s essential. 

Photo: Lyn (l) and Kris (r) at an outstanding Bonnie Raitt concert in San Diego, July 2016.

Join us next Tuesday for EP 02 – a great story about music, performing and personal success. We’ll see you then!

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