EP 08: Muse | Inspiration | Catalyst

Hi all and good morning! I hope you enjoy this conversation that Lyn and I had back in June of this year. The featured photo is of Lyn’s office – a labor of love and a vision finally realized. Many people contributed to this build, but it was Lyn’s vision and dedication to the creative process and details that led to this result of deep beauty, functionality and quality.


The podcast begins with a discussion around the concept of a build and what gets the ball rolling when there is a project in front of you. Lyn and Kris define the words Muse and Inspiration and Kris shares a headline about Dr. Seuss’ muse for The Lorax. Lyn reflects on the merits of language and thinking and how both can help define who we are.

The word catalyst is introduced. Lyn notes that her muses tend to some from something that she observes or hears – often the building process of others. Lyn talks about how she made the jump from working for an employer to working on her own .

Lyn continues her discussion around her work, how she is drawn to the life of a consultant and the value she provides due to her wide-ranging exposure to multiple industries and events. Lyn and Kris discuss creativity and Kris gives a shout-out to her mom who encouraged her to recognize her own creativity.

The conversation continues as we consider how people often narrowly define creativity. We discuss how the idea of “iteration” can relieve the pressure to “be creative.”

Our conversation turns to the constraints of time as we muse on how these constraints, while occasionally vexing, force clarity and provide a good tension and interesting balance.

Our conversation turns to the concepts of reflection, clearing the decks, breathing room, rest, and stepping away all in service of invoking creativity, a broader perspective and clarity.

We reflect on the projects and ideas in the pipeline and discuss the idea of conscious design in life – staying aware of the activities that drive inspiration and which cause anxiety. We discuss how vital it is to maintain a balance of joy despite the difficult events in our lives and Lyn reflects on how she implements this in her own life.

We discuss the importance of defining the desired result when trying to create in your life. Kris reflects on her inspiration for building the podcast and how it supports her efforts to inspire others. We reflect on the idea that a build may create angst and difficulty and how that is a necessary part of the process.

The conversation around angst and difficulty deepens as we note that builds can be messy. We discuss grace, expectations and resilience.

The conversation ends as we share the intention to grow the podcast into a community.

Thoughts? Please join in the conversation. Know someone who wants to build but doesn’t know where to start? Send them my way. Au.kristina@gmail.com.

Only 2 more episodes in Season 1 of The Workbench! We’ll be back with new episodes on Monday, January 13, 2020, so stay tuned. Until next time!

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