Patience | Impatience

Paradox and My Two Favorite Quotes

For years now I’ve lived by the following two quotes: 

“Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous impatience.”  This quote, from Navy Admiral Hyman Rickover reminds me to push forward on my good ideas even when others say no. 

“Keep the work in front of you.  Be tough.  Be patient.”  I found this in a story called “Pity the Man Who Doesn’t Travel, by Philip Kelly and have kept this top of mind since. 

Patience and Impatience can live together. 

When you believe in an idea but aren’t sure yet of the “how”, you can lean on these two quotes.  We need to believe in and sell our good ideas, and then we need to be tough and find the balance between patience and impatience while driving them into practice.

How many times at work or at home have you floated an idea, felt resistance, and let it go?  You may need to demonstrate some courageous impatience, some tenacity.  Argue, cleanly and professionally.  Build the business case. 

Much of what we experience in our culture is finished product.  But how long did it take to greenlight the last movie you watched?  Build that shopping plaza that was just finished?  Create a piece of art or a Tesla?  How many “no’s” make up that history, and how many hours of keeping the work front and center?

Not all good ideas will take.  But remembering these ideas will give YOUR great ideas a fighting chance.    

With love and light,



The Sun Magazine, Issue 458

Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

Posted in Change, Creativity, Influence and tagged , , .


  1. Provocative and stimulating thoughts (that might influence action!). Noticed the footnote to Sun Magazine. I just started receiving it.

  2. Interesting article.Could be particularly relevant for us in these challenging times!

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