Wednesday Workbench #6

Chaos, Order and How to Find Your Highest Point of Contribution

“Essentialism…is about making the wisest possible investment of your time and energy in order to operate at our highest point of contribution by doing only what is essential.”

Greg McKeown, Essentialism, page 5

Hi all – Happy Wednesday! This week’s newsletter is here, and it is about a topic that has been top of mind during the last several years in my own search for clarity and purpose. The concepts in Greg McKeown’s book Essentialism along with an article by Martha Beck that I have kept since 2014 have had a huge impact on my thinking, and I hope this newsletter inspires you in making some time to continue your own evolution.

Keeping House

A reminder: this newsletter comes via Mailchimp, and each week I’ll post the link on my website as well. If you originally subscribed to my blog, you’ll receive this shorter preview version here. For those of you reading this in your email, click on the title, this will bring you to the website, and the links will open up the newsletter. If you want to see it in its full glory, or get it in your email inbox, click the link on the website or subscribe. I’ve been making adjustments to my process – thanks for bearing with this small bit of housekeeping.

Coming Up

  • 3/17:  Wednesday Workbench #7:  Missed Connections | Calibration | Interpersonal Savvy
  • Later in March, date TBD:  Episode 022 of the Podcast with my mom, Karen Baker, who shares a new beautiful thing that she’s built. 

What are you working on? Let me know by emailing me at Sending love and light to you as you build and create!

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