Workbench and Tools

Workbench Renovation

Three Commitments and a Launch!

Hi all! I’ve been in the process of renovating The Workbench and am so excited to share the new content that’s in the works! The last several weeks have found me with a ton of energy unleashed from both internal and external sources. I’ve updated my website, created a weekly newsletter, and have refocused my efforts on providing ideas and inspiration to further my calling in helping people reach their full potential and create happier lives.

All of this work is a culmination of many hours of thought, practice, and insight from within, as well as conversations with my people – family and friends as well as those who read and follow The Workbench. This truly is a collaborative endeavor. We can only grow so far on our own. I recognize and appreciate this every day. This sentiment applies:

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

African Proverb

Ever grateful to be on this journey with you.

Three Commitments

I read recently, somewhere (can’t find the damn source, as usual) about a person who no longer makes New Year’s resolutions, but instead makes commitments. I interpreted this as being a more sustainable practice, one that allows the grace needed for long term momentum, rather than the attempt for a more perfect self, which can involve an overzealous, unrealistic guilt-inducing feeling of failure, typically within the first weeks of the year – so much pressure at the beginning! My interpretation: we want momentum in our growth, not perfection. As such, I have three main commitments this year.

1. Nature: Get out into nature for at least one hour per day
2. Exercise: Make movement a priority throughout the day
3. Creativity: Double down on the creative work output by writing and reading every day.

I’m set up for success. I love nature, love to walk and hike and dance and read and write; and all of these support my work here and in my human resources role. And still, there are many distractions and things to be done, so – how can I keep these commitments front and center in the busy day-to-day of life?

Jim Collins, author of many great books including Good To Great, keeps a spreadsheet in which he tracks his creative hours. He shoots for 1000 creative hours as measured by any 365-day time period. He’s spoken about this in his podcasts with Tim Ferriss and Brene Brown – it’s a way for him to stay focused on what is important to him – and I decided to follow suit this year. My spreadsheet tracks my commitments, and while I don’t meet every commitment in full every day, keeping track helps me to prioritize. I make a point to record my progress most days. At the end of a month, there will be a record; this allows for adjustment and recalibration.  If this practice speaks to you, see the resources at the end of this post. Side note: a new habit takes time to incorporate; stay the course as long as it remains important to you.

Launch:  Wednesday Workbench Newsletter

As I mentioned earlier, I have renovated my website and have updated some backend systems. If you have been a subscriber, please sign up again via Get the Goods/Subscribe. This will subscribe you to the Wednesday Workbench Newsletter as well as the podcast and blog. The newsletter includes new content, ideas, resources and other fun items, all designed to inspire YOUR journey. The first issue comes out this Wednesday, February 3rd.

Thanks for reading, now go build and create!  All you need to do is take that next step.  And in the meantime, sending love and light to you and yours. 




Photo by Randy Fath via Unsplash

The Workbench Blog, Podcast and Newsletter are dedicated to all things coaching and personal growth.  It is here we take the time and make the space to pursue our big dreams and goals, one action at a time.  At The Workbench, we explore any and all elements of life that inspire, motivate, sustain and fulfill us in our quest for continued development.

What is on YOUR workbench?
Send comments and ideas to

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