Yes, You Too Are Creative…

…The Workbench Presents:  A Manifesto for Creating…and Building YOUR Next Great Thing. 

This week, I attended the ATD 2018 Conference here in San Diego, and I’m all fired up.  Presented by the Association for Talent Development, this is for anyone interested in development:  leadership, organizational, employee performance, training, personal.  The keynote speakers this year included Barack Obama, Marcus Buckingham and Connie Podesta.  It was EXCEPTIONAL.  Over 10,000 learning and development practitioners gathered for this event from all over the world with options to attend over 300 different learning sessions, and an expo with over 350 exhibitors.

A ton of ideas swirling…and it is hard to decide what to do with them all.  From this cosmos of thoughts, I decided to pull all the key ideas that have shaped my life in the past few years and have started A Manifesto for Creating.  For the next several weeks, on Sundays (hold me to this!) there will be posts with a range of ideas useful for creating or building YOUR next Great Thing. 

If you want this inspiration to come to your inbox, sign up using this link  or on my new Facebook page at

And, to start the new week…what one thing can you do to start building this week?  Define your goals/dreams?  Plant a seed?  Buy a book?  Put your feet up and relax?  Leisure also begets creativity. 

Ideas and comments welcome!

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