Wednesday Workbench #12: Don’t Throw In The Towel!

There have been several times in the past few years that I’ve considered quitting writing and podcasting. Trying to maintain this labor of love while working and parenting is exhausting at times. So many people are in the same boat. The side-hustle has become popular for a reason – to pursue projects and dreams that make us feel alive and fulfilled in ways that we don’t attain at the workplace. So, we fit them in – by  getting up early, staying up late, or otherwise jamming even just a little progress into the cracks of our days. We are tenacious and resourceful, and sometimes, this becomes overwhelming. We consider throwing in the towel to live simpler and saner lives. 

To this occasional overwhelm, add the internal conflict that this state brings. You’re already stretched thin, and you just want to lay down and eat caramels, but your brain is telling you not to give up. Or you are on the couch settling in for your show, but you can’t fully relax because you know that for every hour in front of the TV, you lose an hour of forward momentum. 

What to do? 5 Things

It’s a lot of work, building something new.  Here are 5 things you can do when you want to quit. 

  1. Listen to your favorite playlist. I have one called Drivin’ Tunes, because when we are together, my brother and I love to drive around on the freeway, blasting songs for each other. Even when we aren’t together, music lifts my mood. Recently added to this playlist are:
    • Got to Give it Up, Part 1 by Marvin Gaye
    • All Night Long, by Lionel Richie (and for a real 80’s treat, check out the video)
    • Juice by Lizzo
  2. Express Yourself.  Write down exactly how you feel in all its politically incorrect glory – no holds barred. You can delete or burn these thoughts if that helps you unload more honestly. By honoring your thoughts and feelings, you can get to the heart of what’s bothering you, without laying it on others or having to defend your thinking. From here, you often find the next step or solution. 
  3. Get back to work. Just sit down for ten minutes to accomplish one task. This often starts the creative juices flowing again, which can elevate mood and generate energy. If at the 10-minute mark, you aren’t dropping into the work, you might need to: 
  4. Recover:  Pour a glass of wine or tea and sit down and binge watch your current fave or read a book. The mental break can be the best non-productive, productive thing to do. There are times when I know that I need a short vacation from my own mind and dropping out for a while recharges my energy. The key – be intentional and allow this as a truly guilt-free gift. 
  5. Walk. Many projects (and life) problems are solved when we are doing something else. Walking is an activity that recharges your mind and body.

Whatever you choose to do, stay aware, listen to self, consciously decide, allow yourself some peace, and avoid the hangover of guilt and indecision. Remember:  Progress, not perfection.  Plus, it saves you the towel.

And another Song for the Playlist: Don’t Give Up, by Peter Gabriel

Photo by Rob Mulally on Unsplash

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