The Best in the West

I’m sitting on my couch, with a fire going, trying to decide between wine and tea, so I’m drinking both…and trying to ignore the hilarious group text that keeps lighting up my phone so I can write this blog post. I’m finding it hard to buckle down. 😊

What’s on the radar tonight…

Getting excited and slightly nervous about Season 2 of The Workbench. This first episode is very personal, and I’ll be sharing some of the backstory  foundational to who I am today. There is a lot of great content in the works, and so many plans and ideas for growing the Workbench to better help others with their projects and dreams.  I invite you to tune in on Monday!


Also been thinking a lot about relationships lately, and how easy it is to forget the importance of real contact. Social media and texting have been a great addition to our lives in many ways but  BEING together IN LEISURE is a powerful healing force for our souls that we may not even realize we are missing. Several people in my circle lately have mentioned their intentions in paying more attention to relationships – I’m all in.

And Leisure…more of that too, please.  More reading, playing cards, sitting on the porch.  And how about bringing back some of that small town practice of dropping by?  We used to bake, just to have treats available for unexpected guests, and I’ve been missing that of late.    

What are you thinking about these days? Wanting to incorporate into your life? Let me know – we can walk the path together.

In the meantime, a joyful picture of our dog Brodie, who is a great teacher in the art of daily happiness.


Best dog ever.
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